Welcome to Aesthetic Ascetic!

Greetings and welcome to Aesthetic Ascetic!

Some of you may already be familiar with my other blog PENUMBRA, in which case you know that I sometimes like to write about topics such as semiotic theory in mass media and pop-culture. Aesthetic Ascetic is a blog wherein I will post articles about a wide range of production topics, from creative best practices, to essays on design, cinema and art theory. Occasionally, there will be some overlap with PENUMBRA, however the mission of Aesthetic Ascetic is less personally introspective and more professionally informative.

As of this writing my new professional website is launch-imminent and as such I will be free to offer bi-weekly curated articles on design and creative arts topics here on Aesthetic Ascetic as well as ongoing content on Penumbra. I am also always interested in topic submissions. Should you have one, do feel free to reach out on the contact page and let me know what’s on your mind. Lastly, It’s vitally important that Aesthetic Ascetic remain a non-ideological, intellectually curious space that is equally open to all comers. As such, I ask that you keep it classy in the comments section; we’re all nerds here.

That said, that’s about all.


"Bring Music Home" Book Off to Pre-Order.